Cardiac arrests have become disastrously common among corporate professionals. Today’s generation enjoys wanton exposure to pollution, erratic sleep cycles, and junk food. The hours spent in front of computers, seated at a desk is also another glaring concern. All of these causes are responsible for cardiac arrests occurring out of nowhere. Defibrillator training can teach employees how to tackle a person from succumbing to a cardiac arrest at the workplace.
Automated External Defibrillator training must be mandated at every workplace due to many reasons, such as:
Emergency first aid
A cardiac arrest is a fatal medical condition. It necessitates prompt action to stabilise the heart as it beats in an erratic, arrhythmic fashion. Oxygen fails to reach every portion of the heart as the erratic electric impulses prevent the heart from functioning regularly. Emergency AED treatment can help regularise the rhythm of the heart in such a situation.
Easy to learn
One can learn how to operate a defibrillator or an AED from a first aid refresher course. Learning how to operate an Automatic External Defibrillator is immensely easy. Any employee can master a defibrillator and use it efficiently when required. Even individuals without any first aid knowledge can learn this skill and save lives.
Increased survival rate
The chances of survival decelerate in a situation where a person has suffered a cardiac arrest. The patient inches towards death every second as the lack of rhythm cuts off the oxygen supply to the heart. If everyone at the workplace knows how to operate an AED, then the chances of survival for an individual experiencing a cardiac arrest goes up magnificently.
AED’s are effective
Automatic External Defibrillators are highly effective. They can easily map the rhythm of the person’s heartbeat and deliver a jolt at the appropriate voltage. AED’s take out a lot of guesswork, so medical experts recommend us to rely on these devices without worry.
General medical readiness
Defibrillator training prepares a person to be ready to tackle a severe medical crisis anytime, anywhere. Anyone who has graduated such a course can hope to operate AEDs and save lives even outside work and save lives in the process.
Thus, knowing how to operate an AED is not only sensible but essentially a life-saver in every sense of the phrase.
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